Graduation & Majors

To graduate from the faculty of informatics and communicationa Engineering at Arab International University, students must fulfill two prerequisites:

  • To complete 169 Credit Hours, according to the study plan of his Major, with compliance to all course registration and passing rules mentioned in the university internal law and accreditation standards and criteria adopted by the ministry of Higher Education.
  • To have an AGPA greater than or equal two.

 The Graduation Grade is estimated as following:


AGPA (from 4)


From 3.75 to 4.00


From 3.25 to 3.74


From 2.75 to 3.24


From 2.25 to 2.74


From 2.00 to 2.24




The faculty Provides Graduates with an Engineering Diploma in one of the following Majors:

  • Informatics Engineering / Major: Software Engineering
  • Informatics Engineering / Major: Artificial Intelligence
  • Informatics Engineering / Major: Networking and Systems.
  • Computer & Communication Engineering / Major: Communication
  • Computer & Communication Engineering / Major: Computer Engineering

Learning outcomes and Graduates Engineering Profile

Our graduate profile is composed of two complementary components: General Engineering formation and Major specific qualifications.


The General Engineering Formation at AIU:

This includes a set of general purposes Engineering knowledge and skills, which all our students in all majors get during their study at the faculty:

  • Ability to use English Language in using references and surfing the Internet.
  • Ability to communicate correctly and giving professional computerized presentations in different scientific areas.
  • Having main critical thinking skills in analysis and syntheses and ability to start searching into new subjects related to their major and area of specialization.
  • Having a solid base in engineering mathematics, giving them ability to model mathematically any engineering problem and to resolve it.
  • Having basic knowledge in computer architecture and ability to program with all types of modern programming languages either structured or object oriented ones. Using perfectly the most elaborated development platforms. In addition to having basic skills in manipulating relational Data Base and using its specific querying languages.
  • Having the team work culture and advanced skills in project management.


The Major Specific Qualifications at AIU:

This includes specific Major oriented knowledge and skills provided to students in each Major specifically.


Software Engineering Major at AIU:

Beside the general Engineering formation, Students in Software Engineering Major have the following profile:

  • To master all Programming works in Compiler Design, Algorithms’ Analysis & Design and their implementation using different types of programming languages, and ability to learn efficiently any new programming language. In addition, to use Data Base management systems professionally with advanced knowledge required to works with advanced applications in Data Mining and Business Intelligence.
  • Systems Analysis, Design, Implementation and software projects management using the most moderns Software Engineering methodologies, with compliance to International Standards and Norms.
  • Ability of using the most advanced Internet Technologies, to Develop efficiently advanced Information systems, Web & Mobile applications and search engines.
  • Having basic knowledge and qualifications into different areas as Artificial Intelligence, Graphics & Computer Vision and Networking & Operating Systems.

Artificial Intelligence Major at AIU:

Besides the general Engineering formation, Students in Artificial Intelligence Major have the following profile:

  • To master all Artificial Intelligence methodologies and techniques either in logical reasoning & Knowledge modeling and management approach or in Machine learning approach using Neural Networks and Statistical methods. In addition to understand in depth artificial intelligence applications in different areas: Computer Vision, Virtual Reality, Robotics and Natural Language Processing. Moreover, students get basic knowledge required to works with Data Mining and Business Intelligence applications.
  • To master all Programming works in Compiler Design, Algorithms’ Analysis & Design and their implementation using different types of programming languages, and ability to learn efficiently any new programming language.
  • Systems Analysis, Design, Implementation and software projects management using the most moderns Software Engineering methodologies.
  • Ability of using Internet Technologies, to develop Information systems and basic Web & Mobile applications.
  • Having basic knowledge and qualifications into different areas as Networking & Operating Systems.


Networking & Systems Major at AIU:

Besides the general Engineering formation, Students in Networking & Systems Major have the following profile:

  • To master all Computer Networks technologies: Components, Topologies and Protocols at all layers. In addition, Students explore all types of network services and applications development. Students have also ability to operate and manage all types of computer networks. Moreover, Students have required knowledge to design all types of networks using wired or wireless technologies, and to provide technical solutions for security and privacy issues.
  • To explore different types of operating systems, by studying in details its components and operations. In addition, students are able to program and to implement specific operating systems application. Moreover, students study real time systems and parallel programming, getting the ability to use it in practical applications.
  • To program applications professionally using most important programming languages and basic algorithms & data structure. In addition, to implement and to execute all types of programs and applications in the fields of computer networks and operating systems.
  • Ability of using Internet Technologies, to develop Information systems and basic Web & Mobile applications.
  • Having basic knowledge and qualifications into different areas as Systems Analysis & Design, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision & Graphics.


Communication Major at AIU:

Besides the general Engineering formation, Students in Communication Major have the following profile:

  • To understand generally, the function of electrical, digital and electronic circuits. Arriving, to the ability of design and implementation of electronic circuits used into different communication systems.
  • To explore analog and digital communication systems and to understand different modulations used into these systems. In addition, to analyze signals and to understand deeply functions of digital signal and image processing systems.
  • To understand functions of cellular and mobile communication systems and ability to develop continuously his knowledge into this area. Moreover, Students study in depth Microwave Engineering, Wireless and optical communication systems.
  • To have basic knowledge and qualifications into different areas as Micro processors, Digital systems, Control and automation, Sensors & Electronics measurements. In addition to Operating systems, Data communications & Networking and Information Security.


Computer Engineering Major at AIU:

Besides the general Engineering formation, Students in Computer Engineering Major have the following profile:

  • To understand generally, the function of electrical, digital and electronic circuits. Arriving, to the ability of design and implementation different types of electronic circuits.
  • Ability to analyze signals and to understand deeply functions of digital signal processing systems. In addition, to understand main functions of Communication systems.
  • To design computing systems and to program Micro processors and embedded systems. In addition to comprehending advanced computer architecture and parallel programming topics.
  • To have basic knowledge and qualifications in different areas of Robotics, Micro processors, Digital systems, Control and automation, Sensors & Electronics measurements. In addition to Operating systems, Data communications, Distributed & Cloud Computing, Computer Networks and Information Security.